
커쇼가 정교한 투구를 하는 비법

“You want to get the outside corner of the pitch. If all you think about is, ‘I’m going to hit that, aim it right there, hit it right there’, that’s the last place it’s gonna go. But when you have in the back of your mind where you’re supposed to throw it and then just say, I’m gonna throw it as hard as I can, right at that glove’, if you just say that, it will be around there more often than not.”

by Clayton Kershaw

“바깥쪽 구석으로 공을 찔러넣고 싶잖아요. 만약 그럴때 당신이 ‘저기다 던질거야, 정조준해서, 딱 저기에 꽂아넣을거야.’라고 생각한다면 공은 거기로 가지 않아요. 그런데 그냥 ‘저 글러브를 향해 가장 세게 던질거야’라고 마음먹으면 그렇지 않을 때보다 훨씬 더 정확하게 공이 들어가죠.”

by 클레이튼 커쇼

(출처 : mlbnation)

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