장비를 활용한 스카우팅

국제유망주 스카우팅에 트랙맨, 랩소도, FlightScope, Edgertronic 초고속카메라와 같은 장비를 활용한 정보수집이 널리 확산되고 있다는 (미국에서는) 흔한 이야기입니다.

Teams are also using video and tools like Trackman — the system that measure velocities, spin rates, exit speeds — along with swing analysis devices attached to the bottom of bats, and force plates, which are small platforms that players stand on to measure strength and weight distribution.

There also has been a rise in the use of Edgertronic high-speed cameras for analysis of biomechanics and things like release points in slow motion. Rapsodo, another portable pitch tracking tool, and FlightScope — a system used to measure hitting, pitching and running mechanics — are also growing in popularity in the international scouting world.

(원문기사 읽기)

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